Frank Ocean 於 Coachella 2023 透露最新專輯情報

雖然昨日 YouTube 宣布取消直播 Frank Ocean 出演之 Coachella 2023 最終日大秀,但據了解 Frank 於現場透露最新專輯即將發行。
這場演出為 Frank Ocean 睽違六年後再次登上大型舞台表演,而這次回歸便宣布未來將推出最新專輯。
It’s been so long, but I have missed you. I wanna talk about why I’m here, ‘cos it’s not because of a new album — not that there’s not a new album — but there’s not right now.
These last couple of years, my life changed so much and my brother and I came to this festival a lot. I feel like I was dragged out here half the time. We were just dancing in that tent to that music and I know he would have been so excited to be here with all of us and I wanted to say thank you for all the support and the love.
Frank ocean teasing his new album and saying he missed me, he was so real for that
— Number one madi enjoyer (Alpha Male) (@mariojudahfn) April 17, 2023
Frank Ocean 表示這場演出雖然不是為了宣傳新專輯,但並不代表之後不會有,只是現在沒有而已;隨後表示個人的生活在這幾年發生了許多變化,並說道自己曾與三年前過世的弟弟 Ryan Breaux 參與多次 Coachella,如果他也能在現場,他一定會很開心,最後並感謝歌迷們所有的支持與愛。
雖然 Frank Ocean 的演出晚了一個小時,但他仍征服大批歌迷們,輪流獻唱《Novacane》、《Come On World, You Can’t Go!》、《Crack Rock》、《Bad Religion》與 《White Ferrari》等知名歌曲,此外亦有表演在《Blonde》之後發布的單曲,包括《In My Room》、《Cayendo》與《Dear April》等,歌迷們不妨期待新專輯的問世以及下方表演片段。
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