Marvel 注目大作《蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》首波影評率先公開
反派「征服者康」與蟻人之女 Cassie 的表現受到高度好評。

Marvel 最新大片、MCU 第五階段首部大作《Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania》(蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱/蟻俠與黃蜂女:量子狂熱)上映在即,稍早官方就正式解禁了早先北美首映的首波影評。
當中能看到聚集了包括多位知名影評人或娛樂媒體編輯,值得關注的評論包括對於 Jonathan Majors 飾演的反派「征服者康 Kang the Conqueror」以及 Kathryn Newton 飾演的蟻人之女 Cassie 高度稱讚,其他包括全片的特效、劇情也受到不少好評,更有評論稱本作是系列最佳。
《Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania》港台地區將在 2 月 15 日搶先上映,有興趣的讀者們不妨多加留意。
#AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania is the best of the trilogy. Higher stakes, dangers & repercussions. Its also got one the best MCU villains in #Kang. As soon as #JonathanMayors comes in, its his show. Kang is a scary lean-mean multiverse big baddie. Also, 2 cool post credits scenes.
— Fico (@FicoCangiano) February 7, 2023
The CGI is way better than it has been in a while in #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania
— Knowledge Enhanced Visual Interconnectivity Nexus (@FenixDy) February 7, 2023
Kathryn Newton is going to fit right in with our burgeoning corps of Tiny Avengers at some point. A lot of fun there!
— Aaron Perine (@SumitLakeHornet) February 7, 2023
#Quantumania retains what’s always been key to the Ant-Man movies, heart. Everyone in the Ant-Family has a role to play and MODOK goes ham. A fun, funky little romp in the Quantum Realm and only the beginning of Jonathan Majors’ reign as Kang.
Kathryn Newton mvp!!
— Aaron (@aaronfraggle) February 7, 2023
I can’t say too much yet but I thought she was really good. I kept thinking it’ll be great to see her in a Young Avengers story
— POC Culture (@POCculture) February 7, 2023
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP QUANTUMANIA is a VISUAL FEAST packed w/ SURPRISES (big & small). A WILD RIDE from start to finish.
Jonathan Majors CONQUERS as Kang, the Dynasty is here. Paul Rudd is as lovable as ever & 2 Post Credit scenes!#AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #Quantumania
— Ashley Saunders (@ThatAshleyErin) February 7, 2023
It’s a lot of fun to see the whole Ant family in an action adventure together. We don’t get to see a lot of superhero families in the MCU (yet). Paul Rudd is his usual charming self. Really enjoyed Kathryn Newton as Cassie. #Marvel #AntMan #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania
— POC Culture (@POCculture) February 7, 2023
The trailers don’t do justice to how downright Seussian Quantumania gets. If you loved the first two Ant-Man movies, I don’t know how you’ll feel about this one. It’s bizarre. But whatever else divides viewers, I think we’ll all agree that everything Kang-related soars.
— Erik Voss (@eavoss) February 7, 2023
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