大谷翔平 $7 億美元天價合約支薪細節公開
MLB 日籍球星大谷翔平 Shohei Ohtani 上周末正式與 Los Angeles Dodgers 簽下一紙 10 年 $7 億美元的合約,震撼全球體壇,這是當今 MLB 史上最高價碼的合約。
而稍早關於這 $7 億美元如何給付,也有了更進一步的細節公開。在未來的 10 個賽季中,他只會領取 $200 萬美元的年薪,10 年合共領取 $2,000 萬美元,而剩下的 $6.8 億美元則會在 2034 年至 2043 年之間逐年領取。據悉這項延遲給付計畫是由大谷翔平本人親自提出,旨在降低 Dodgers 這 10 年間的薪資上限,讓球團有更多空間引進選手。
當然對於大谷翔平來說,他每年在場外的代言收入高達 $4,500 萬美元,應是暫時無須擔憂未來 10 年的收入,這也是讓此企劃成真的重大基礎。另外在 MLB 的集體談判勞資協議中也有相關條文對應此事,照邏輯來看,遞延的薪資上限是無止盡的,即便是高達 $6.8 億美元也不例外。
The structure of the deal, first reported by @FabianArdaya, is unprecedented. Multiple people involved have said Ohtani proposed the structure and that toward the end of negotiations he said he wanted to defer his salary. His off-the-field earnings are significant enough for it.
— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) December 11, 2023
For anyone wondering if MLB will challenge or cancel Ohtani’s contract: The answer is unequivocally no. There is a specific article in the collective-bargaining agreement that addresses this. And it’s very clear: Deferred money is limitless — even $680 million of $700 million. pic.twitter.com/DGNK0JulED
— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) December 11, 2023
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