「Rizz」正式獲選成為牛津辭典 2023 年度代表字


Entertainment 娛樂

時近年末,到了英國牛津大學出版社(Oxford University Press)正式公開年度代表字的時刻。繼去年由「Goblin mode」獲選後,今年由「Rizz」榮獲此地位。

根據牛津辭典註解,「Rizz」是名詞,定義為:「風格、魅力、吸引力」或是「勾起他人慾望的能力」,此詞也可以在短語中作為動詞,如「to rizz up」,意指「吸引、引誘或搭訕一個人」。


牛津大學出版社的年度代表字旨在選出反映同年度人們「情緒、精神和關注」所在,並具備「持久文化意義」潛力的詞彙。今年共有八個單字被列入考量,並分成四組去進行篩選,其中包括「Swiftie」、「prompt」、「situationship」等,經過約 30,000 個投票表決,最終由「Rizz」獲選。下列提供完整單字列表。

Swiftie vs. de-influencing

  • Swiftie (n.): an enthusiastic fan of the singer Taylor Swift.
  • de-influencing (n.): the practice of discouraging people from buying particular products, or of encouraging people to reduce their consumption of material goods, esp. via social media.

beige flag vs. rizz

  • beige flag (n.): a character trait that indicates that a partner or potential partner is boring or lacks originality; (also) a trait or habit, esp. of a partner or potential partner, viewed as extremely characteristic, but not distinctly good or bad.
  • rizz (n.): style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner.

heat dome vs. prompt

  • heat dome (n.): a persistent high-pressure weather system over a particular geographic area, which traps a mass of hot air below it.
  • prompt (n.): an instruction given to an artificial intelligence program, algorithm, etc., which determines or influences the content it generates.

parasocial vs. situationship

  • parasocial (adj.): designating a relationship characterized by the one-sided, unreciprocated sense of intimacy felt by a viewer, fan, or follower for a well-known or prominent figure (typically a media celebrity), in which the follower or fan comes to feel (falsely) that they know the celebrity as a friend.
  • situationship (n.): a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established.


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