Daniel W. Fletcher 2023 春夏系列時裝秀正式發佈

英國設計師同名品牌 Daniel W. Fletcher 今番正式在倫敦時裝周發佈 2023 春夏系列「Stand and Deliver」,時裝秀以 1 分鐘的沉默哀悼英國女皇伊莉莎白二世逝世。
帶有臂章的全黑套裝不僅作為時裝秀開場,也為接下來的造型定下基調。模特們穿者他們量身訂製的 Savile Row 西裝,定義了受 Prince of Wales 格紋影響的時裝秀,緞面和人造皮革的結合散發出一種非常不同的倫敦語言。Daniel W. Fletcher 隨後將目光轉向倫敦的黑暗面,這座城市的酷兒夜生活充滿了自由精神,皮革西裝外套、緞面腰帶以及像是星星點綴夜空的連身裙在時裝秀體現了這一點。另外,品牌搭配了來自倫敦品牌 Hatton Labs 的首飾,接著與 Axel Arigato 合作製作的羊毛皮包呼應了逃離大城市的主題。
Daniel W. Fletcher 在給 Hypebeast 的獨家聲明寫道:
“The place I was in when I designed my last collection… It was really a tribute to my dad. Whereas this one was looking back at the last ten years of my time living in London. It’s very much inspired by all of those people that made London what it was — from the punks of Kings Road to the pearly Kings and Queens of Soho. All of those people who have contributed to the culture that we have now, play a huge inspiration in this collection. It’s for them really.
The point of doing a show is, it is a show. For me, I like to tell a story. We start with morning suits and then we go into daytime, strolling through London, and then we get into the dark nights of Soho.”
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