East Continental Gems 攜手 Marvel 打造「無限寶石 Infinity Gems」系列
總價值估計超過 $2,500 萬美元。
成立於 70 年代的美國珠寶品牌 East Continental Gems 與 Marvel 在最近的 San Diego Comic-Con,亮相了 Infinity Collection of Gemstones 極為昂貴的收藏品。靈魂、時間、空間、心靈、現實與力量 6 顆寶石展示在由 Gentle Giant Ltd. 製作的訂製 Infinity Gauntlet 上。這 6 顆來自世界各地的稀有寶石總重量為 150 克拉,估計價值超過 $2,500 萬美元,下方有寶石的簡要說明:
Time Stone – a 23-carat natural Colombian emerald with documentation from four prestigious gemology laboratories.
Space Stone – a 30-carat Madagascan sapphire.
Reality Stone – a 15-carat oval-shaped natural ruby from Mozambique.
Power Stone – a 35-carat oval-shaped natural amethyst.
Soul Stone – a cushion-shaped Spessartite that’s over 35 carats.
Mind Stone – a rectangular brilliant cut yellow diamond that is a little under 35 carats.
Infinity Collection of Gemstones 已在 East Continental Gems 官網開放註冊,首先登場的是限量 1,000 個的現實寶石,有興趣的讀者不妨前往了解詳情。
Shout out to my guys East Continental Gems for including me in the reveal of the official @Marvel Infinity Gem Collection!! They scoured the WORLD to find these rare gems & curate this collection🙌🏾 Check out the genesis series and get on the waitlist at https://t.co/M6Cxq2bNuL 💎 pic.twitter.com/x8jnTD5CJ2
— Daymond John (@TheSharkDaymond) July 25, 2022
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