Queen B 歸來!Beyoncé 全新專輯《RENAISSANCE》正式發行

將 16 首動感歌曲獻給家人和粉絲。

Music 音樂

樂壇天后 Beyoncé 繼釋出新曲《Break My Soul》亮相專輯封面後,今番終於完整回歸,睽違多年正式發行最新大碟《RENAISSANCE》。

作為第七張錄音室專輯,也是 Beyoncé 自 2016 年《Lemonade》以來的首張個人完整專輯,本次共收錄 16 首適合夏季服用的動感曲目,攜手 Pharrell Williams、Chad Hugo、Tems、Drake、Jay-Z 等多名音樂人共製而成之外,也採樣 Donna Summer、Giorgio Moroder、James Brown 等人的音樂。

而 Beyoncé 也在專輯發佈之前於個人網站上寫下長文,致信給粉絲們,表示將這張專輯獻給家人及歌迷:「創作這張專輯讓我有一個空間可以做夢,並在疫情爆發這段非常時期找到出口,它讓我在無法隨心移動的時候得以冒險。」、「我的目的是創造一個安全的地方,一個沒有判斷力的地方、一個沒有完美主義和過度思考的地方、一個能夠盡情尖叫、釋放、感受自由的地方。」

以下為 Beyoncé 的完整聲明:

This three act project was recorded over three years during the pandemic. A time to be still, but also a time I found to be the most creative.

Creating this album allowed me a place to dream and to find escape during a scary time for the world. It allowed me to feel free and adventurous in a time when little else was moving. My intention was to create a safe place, a place without judgment. A place to be free of perfectionism and overthinking. A place to scream, release, feel freedom. It was a beautiful journey of exploration.

I want to give a special thank you to Rumi, Sir, and Blue for allowing me the space, creativity, and inspiration. And a special thanks to my beautiful husband and muse, who held me down during those late nights in the studio. A big thank you to my uncle Johnny. He was my godmother and the first person to expose me to a lot of the music and culture that serve as inspiration for this album. Thank you to all of the pioneers who originate culture, to all of the fallen angels whose contributions have gone unrecognized for far too long. This is a celebration for you. Thank you to my Parkwood crew, my slab, Dream, and all of the talented producers involved. Mama, I luhhhh you. To my father, my O.G., my first teacher: You inspire me in every move that I make. I love you.

To all of my fans: I hope you find joy in this music. I hope it inspires you to release the wiggle. Ha! And to feel as unique, strong, and sexy as you are.

Love y’all deep,


Beyoncé 全新專輯《RENAISSANCE》目前已正式登陸 Spotify、Apple Music 串流平台,有興趣的讀者不妨點擊下方連結率先聆聽。

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