Netflix《ONE PIECE》真人版影集最新演員陣容、拍攝場景公開

Netflix《ONE PIECE》真人版影集持續傳來新消息,今回公開的是 Klahadore、Mihawk、Zeff、Morgan、Kaya、Nojiko 等角色,分別將由 Alexander Maniatis、Stevan Ward、Craig Fairbrass、Langley Kirkwood、Celeste Loots、Chioma Umeala 等人來演出,上述角色皆是草帽海賊團前期成員入團劇情之中會碰到的關鍵角色。
除此之外,官方也釋出一支由主角 Luffy 飾演者 Iñaki Godoy 與 Steve Maeda、Matt Owens 兩位節目統籌一同介紹片場幕後的短片,當中揭示了梅利號、海上餐廳 Baratie、Miss Love Duck 等藝術概念之外,也展示劇組位於南非開普敦地區拍攝的真實場景,其中梅利號船頭的寫實風格改動尤其令人印象深刻。
Langley Kirkwood, Celeste Loots, Alexander Mantis, Craig Fairbrass, Steven Ward, and Chioma Umeala join the cast of Netflix’s live action One Piece. Based on the widely popular series by Eiichiro Oda.
— ONE PIECE(ワンピース) Netflix (@onepiecenetflix) June 6, 2022
Prepare to set sail with Luffy and his “Straw Hat Pirates” on their quest for the worlds greatest treasure, the mysterious One Piece, in this behind-the-scenes video from the live-action remake of the biggest manga series of all time.
— ONE PIECE(ワンピース) Netflix (@onepiecenetflix) June 6, 2022
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