知名偵探懸疑電影《Knives Out》續集片名公開:《Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery》
Netflix 以 $4 億多美金收購續集拍攝權,預計在 2022 年底上線。

Netflix 以 $4 億多美金收購知名偵探懸疑電影《Knives Out》(鋒迴路轉/神探白朗)續集拍攝權之後,曾在 2 月份預告《Knives Out 2》將在今年正式上線,時至今日導演 Rian Johnson 正式公開續集片名:《Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery》。
全新續集中,Daniel Craig 飾演的偉大偵探 Benoit Blanc 將前往地中海迎接全新謎團。Rian Johnson 表示本片靈感啟發自知名英國作家 Agatha Christie 於 1973 年出品的偵探小說《Evil Under the Sun》與音樂家 Stephen Sondheim 譜寫的《The Last of Sheila》。
同時,Rian Johnson 說道自身深受 Agatha Christie 的作品影響,不僅是對於謀殺方式的想像,更能將其概念延伸至各式各樣的劇情類型,包括間諜驚悚片、原始殺手恐怖片、連環殺手、歌德式愛情、心理性格研究與華麗遊記等,題材十分多元且引人入勝,而這也是他希望《Knives Out》能夠達到的高度。
本片卡司包括 Daniel Craig、Edward Norton、Janelle Monáe、Kathryn Hahn、Leslie Odom Jr.、Jessica Henwick、Madelyn Cline、Kate Hudson 與 Dave Bautista 等人,本片預計於年底正式上線,尚未公開正確日期,有興趣的讀者們敬請期待。
Benoit Blanc’s next case, the follow up to Knives Out, is called GLASS ONION. pic.twitter.com/6Zo0g1VX11
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 13, 2022
Something I love about Agatha Christie is how she never tread water creatively. I think there’s a misperception that her books use the same formula over and over, but fans know the opposite is true.
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 13, 2022
When I made Knives Out, that’s what excited me about the prospect of making more mysteries with Daniel as Benoit Blanc – to emulate Christie and have every film be like a whole new book, with its own tone, ambition, reason for being… and (ta dah) title.
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 13, 2022
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