長相神似 Klay Thompson 網紅遭終生禁止踏入 Warriors 主場
竟在賽前瞞過安保人員上場練投了 10 分鐘。
關注 Golden State Warriors 的球迷想來都對名為 Dawson Gurley 的網紅不陌生,他憑藉著與 Klay Thompson 神似的五官輪廓和蓄鬍多次被誤認,甚至他曾換上比賽球衣駕車前往 Warriors 前主場 Oracle Arena,警衛、安保人員幾乎未認出本人而放行,影片在網路上流傳後引起不少話題。
不過今回他似乎有些惡作劇過頭了,早先他在網上公開了被球團宣布終生禁止進入新主場 Chase Center 的文件。原因是他瞞過 5 層樓的安保人員後,公然來到球場上練投了 10 分鐘,雖然他打趣地說道自己並不意外被禁止進入,畢竟他「入侵」了兩次球場,但也疑惑自己正大光明的與安保人員交談,並通過金屬探測器,為何要替球場警備的失誤而負責。
Dawson Gurley 提到這次進入 Chase Center 的紀錄影片會在明日發布,有興趣的讀者可以留意其社群媒體或 Youtube 頻道。
At game 5 and @warriors just banned me for life from their arena.
— Daws (@BigDawsTv) June 13, 2022
Banned bc I walked pass 5 layers of security guards (who willingly let me through security without asking for ID) & shot around on the court for 10 minutes. I also spent 10K on tickets which they are not refunding. Why should I be banned because their security is incompetent?
— Daws (@BigDawsTv) June 13, 2022
Here’s the official letter of my ban. pic.twitter.com/Ii9VTdWI0h
— Daws (@BigDawsTv) June 14, 2022
Technically, I did not trespass.I talked to security, went through metal detectors and walked right into the building. They welcomed me with open arms. I also never claimed to be Klay. https://t.co/FbmnKWlwTs
— Daws (@BigDawsTv) June 14, 2022
Was it worth it to lose 10K on tickets and be banned for life? Absolutely. I was an NBA player for 10 minutes bro 😂😂
— Daws (@BigDawsTv) June 14, 2022
I technically didn’t trespass 😂😂. I’m also not mad at all I get it. I infiltrated them twice I would ban me too. pic.twitter.com/xCNqL7CSgF
— Daws (@BigDawsTv) June 14, 2022
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