「尚氣」劉思慕暗示出演 MCU 第六階段大作《復仇者聯盟 5 Avengers: Kang Dynasty》

劉思慕發現講錯話之後,開始 Marvel 式裝傻否認。

Entertainment 娛樂

Marvel MCU 第六階段計畫推出的《Avengers:The Kang Dynasty》(復仇者聯盟 5:康之王朝)現已確認由《Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings》(尚氣與十環傳奇/尚氣與十環幫傳奇)導演 Destin Daniel Cretton 執導,近日則有消息暗示劉思慕飾演到「尚氣」將會於本片登場。

Comicbook 的訪談中,劉思慕先是表述對於導演 Destin Daniel Cretton 能接下這個重責大任感到非常興奮,甚至連續發了四十多則簡訊恭喜他,對話中十足肯定他的才華能力,並在語末說道:「很高興能再次與他合作。」此話也讓外界認為間接承認「尚氣」將於該片登場,而當記者近一步確認是否會出演時,他僅回答:「希望如此,我是這麼想的,先不要相信我的話。」而根據他的表情判斷,應該就是幾近百分百的確認了,只是礙於 Marvel 對於演員搶先劇透的規範導致必須裝傻否認。

It feels incredible. I obviously learned about the news a little bit before the rest of the world did, but I freaked out,” the Marvel actor said. “I sent him like forty texts in a row, all exclamation marks. I’m just so incredibly happy for him, he’s so deserving of that spot. What makes him such a special filmmaker, and I’ve said this from the beginning even when we were premiering our movie, is his ability to make a $150 million movie really, really small, in the best possible way. I’m really looking forward to what he does on that even grander scale of The Avengers because I think it’s easy to maybe get lost in the spectacle of what those movies can be, the vastness and the grandness of it, but if you can maintain the humanity and the human stories, I think that’s what will make a movie memorable and special, and I think Destin’s got it. I think he’s got it and I think he deserves this so much. I’m so excited to get to work for him again.

I would think so…I would hope so. Don’t take my word for it.

蟻人 3 Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania》先前曝光的預告中,當中能看到「征服者康 Kang the Conqueror」擁有的科技與十環有著相同紋路外觀,意味著兩者之間存在著極大關聯,因此在《Avengers:The Kang Dynasty》中一切或將水落石出,該片預計於 2025 年 5 月 2 日正式上映,有興趣去的讀者們敬請留意未來追蹤報導。

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