珠寶腕錶商公開坦承販售仿冒 Patek Philippe 錶款給 Lil Baby

退費 $40 萬美元之外,還贈送 4 枚戒指作補償。

Fashion 時裝

早先才報導過 Lil Baby 花費 $400,000 美元購買 Patek Philippe Nautilus 限量錶款經確認為仿錶的消息,而今回賣出此錶的珠寶腕錶商 Rafaello and Co. 便透過 XXL Magazine 發佈了一則聲明,其中提到當他們從經銷商收購腕錶時,未仔細確認真偽就轉而販售給消費者,清楚坦承自身的疏失,除了完全退還該 $40 萬美元之外,還另外贈予了 Lil Baby 4 枚戒指作為補償,並一再強調 Rafaello and Co. 相當注重信譽與誠信。

“We do stand on our name just like he does that’s why today he got those four rings for free and his money back because we didn’t do our homework on the watch and we take full responsibility for that. But it didn’t happen intentionally and he knows that for a fact. Everyone that knows me knows that I don’t play games when it comes to my brand and especially my client’s brands.

I personally want to apologize to @lilbaby for not doing my due diligence when selling him the Patek watch. I should have inspected the watch after purchasing it from the dealer. I take full responsibility for not doing my job properly. I personally would NEVER knowingly sell him or anyone else anything that is not 100% authentic. I have known @libaby for a while and there is nothing fake about him – especially his jewelry and watches. I want to personally apologize to Lil Baby for what has transpired. Rafaello & Co. took immediate action to rectify this. We worked directly with Lil Baby to refunded him in full and have gifted him rings as a token of our sincere apologies.

We pride ourselves in being an honest business and will take great care to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. To all of our customers thank you for your business over the years and we look forward to continuing to provide the best jewelry and watches in the industry.”

事實上,Rafaello and Co. 是具有足夠名氣的珠寶腕錶商,刻意販售仿冒品的低劣行徑確實不大可能發生,然而發生這般疏失依舊會對其名聲造成嚴重影響,畢竟對負擔的起這般奢侈品的客戶來說,選擇自然也多,各位不妨還是將此事件留作未來購物的警惕。

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