美國田徑選手 Sha'Carri Richardson 因大麻檢測陽性遭取消奧運資格

出征奧運對許多運動員來可說是運動生涯的最終目標,更別說在這最高殿堂上為國摘得一面獎牌所帶來的榮譽感如何令人陶醉,因此若在奧運真正到來前卻因故無法參賽,可想而知其內心煎熬與掙扎。美國田徑選手 Sha’Carri Richardson 在近日參與藥檢時,因檢測到大麻中的主要精神活性物質四氫大麻酚(THC),因而遭到取消奧運資格,同時因為美國反禁藥組織(USADA)與世界反運動禁藥機構(WADA)都將大麻列為禁止使用,因此 Sha’Carri Richardson 在排位賽的紀錄也將一併取消,原先排在其後的選手成績將往前遞補。
Sha’Carri Richardson 本人已經接受禁賽處分,並提到自己是因為失去母親的痛苦而接觸大麻,而非為增加運動表現,更向世人喊話自己也是一名人類,目前有傳言指出 Sha’Carri Richardson 仍有機會參與 4×100 接力賽,因為其停賽處分到時已經結束,不過仍然希望渺茫。而網上也有兩派人士為此爭論,一方面指出「規則即為規則」,一方面則認為大麻與運動表現無關,且有不少專業運動員都為 Sha’Carri Richardson 發聲,各位又是如何看待本次事件?不妨在留言處與我們分享。
This is so trash man… just let her run! https://t.co/tFY8omt215
— Patrick Mahomes II (@PatrickMahomes) July 2, 2021
This is bull Shxt……tbh
— Odell Beckham Jr (@obj) July 2, 2021
This shit makes me sick and is wrong on so many levels https://t.co/34ObXGRbPi
— Kevin Love (@kevinlove) July 2, 2021
@itskerrii queen I support you. It’s time to break the stigma surrounding athletes use of marijuana.
I have my medical card. I play at the highest level my sport has to offer and I use medicinal marijuana for anxiety, recovery, and sleep.
— Natasha Cloud (@T_Cloud4) July 2, 2021
I don’t know why marijuana is banned. Maybe a good reason. Maybe not. I know how it feels to lose a parent. Indescribable pain! I’m from the same neighborhood as @itskerrii Tough place! I wish people would stop calling her and this ban stupid unless you know the reason for both.
— Michael Johnson (@MJGold) July 2, 2021
What’s really crazy is this probably won’t even be a issue by the next olympics… https://t.co/nped0zPBQb
— Flash Garrett ⚡️ (@MylesLGarrett) July 2, 2021
Feeling so terrible for @itskerrii right now. Just know, we are with you!!
— Alex Morgan (@alexmorgan13) July 2, 2021
Official statement from @Nike on Sha’Carri Richardson:
“We appreciate Sha’Carri’s honesty and accountability and will continue to support her through this time.”
Richardson has been a Nike athlete since 2019, and remains so after positive marijuana test and one-month suspension pic.twitter.com/Jt8ZGGVQfD
— Aaron Dodson (@aardodson) July 2, 2021
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