一眾職業格鬥選手如何評價 Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul 表演賽勝負?
生涯 50 勝 0 負的 Floyd Mayweather 今回受到不少質疑。

Floyd Mayweather 與 Logan Paul 的表演賽正式落幕,由於特別制定的規則,雙方比賽過程皆未有 KO 出現,最終八回合結束以平局收場,而此結果也吸引了包括 Canelo Alvarez、Dillon Danis、Daniel Cormier、Mike Perry、Francis Ngannou 等一眾拳擊、MMA 等職業格鬥運動員於網上發表看法,評價多是談論對戰結果,當然亦有人提到此表演賽輕鬆賺取大把鈔票,各位又有什麼看法?不妨在留言處與我們分享。
in a real fight if i don’t finish @LoganPaul in under a minute i’ll retire and kill myself.
— Dillon Danis (@dillondanis) June 7, 2021
It’s ah damn shame
— Platinum Mike Perry (@PlatinumPerry) June 7, 2021
I would’ve KO’d him..
— Brandun Lee (@Brandun_Lee) June 7, 2021
Wow … he carried him … Fun night !!
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) June 7, 2021
Beast! Goat https://t.co/8EwIYCy2X3
— Paulo Costa ( Borrachinha ) (@BorrachinhaMMA) June 7, 2021
— Canelo Alvarez (@Canelo) June 7, 2021
Once it gets to certain point of “skill”, size makes a huge difference. I thought Floyd would get a couple KDs and then the KO. But once they were in there you see the size difference and Paul being able to tie him up once in range with Floyd to use his long arms.
— Aljamain Sterling (@funkmasterMMA) June 7, 2021
And I thought my fights were boring. #mayweathervspaul
— Michael Chiesa (@MikeMav22) June 7, 2021
It’s crazy to think that Logan Paul (0-1) just made $20M on a boxing exhibition.
— Francis Ngannou (@francis_ngannou) June 7, 2021