James Gunn 揭露 DC 未來大作《自殺突擊隊:集結》最新劇照

James Gunn 執導 DC 未來大作《The Suicide Squad》(自殺突擊隊:集結 / 自殺特攻:超能暴隊:集結)將在今年暑假正式上映,導演近日於網絡上揭露電影最新劇照與更多情報。
《The Suicide Squad》最新電影劇照中能看見「Harley Quinn」、「Bloodsport 血腥運動」、「Peacemaker
而本片的製片 Peter Safran 則特別點出 John Cena 飾演的 Peacemaker 是位有趣的角色,對於追求和平有著扭曲的道德準則,可以為了和平不熄任何代價,就如 John Cena 過去形容自己的角色是位:認人厭惡的 Captain America。
最後 James Gunn 透露本片片長為 2 小時 12 分鐘,且會有片尾畫面等著大家,有興趣的讀者敬請留意,該片將在 8 月 6 日登陸各大戲院與 HBO Max。
Exclusive new #TheSuicideSquad images & interviews from my friends at @EW. pic.twitter.com/hKp6h3vn4e
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) June 17, 2021
2 hours and 12 minutes. #TheSuicideSquad That was a very inaccurate dream. https://t.co/vsW5NfW1rx
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) June 16, 2021
It DOES have a post credit scene. I love them. I think they give the audience a reason to sit through all the folks who worked so hard on the show. But they’re always an afterthought, a snack, not the main course. https://t.co/vyRPYO9mF2
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) June 17, 2021
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