與美國郵政署達成共識!Nike Air Force 1 Experimental 藍白配色鞋款即將發售

Nike N.354 實驗性支線於三月份以 United States Postal Service(USPS 美國郵政署)為主題推出致敬之作,不料 USPS 美國郵政署卻對此感到不滿,向 HYPEBEAST 提供了一份聲明,指出 Nike 並未在該運動鞋上市之前進行諮詢,因此將會極力捍衛自身權利。
事隔多月,雙方於近日發布最新聲明稿,意旨 Nike 已獲 USPS 美國郵政署的官方正式許可,現已可正式發售該鞋款設計:
The U.S. Postal Service and NIKE, Inc. are pleased to announce they have come to a resolution on the upcoming release of Nike footwear inspired by the U.S. Postal Service. The Experimental Nike Air Force 1 footwear are officially licensed by the U.S. Postal Service. Any early images of this shoe were not authorized for release by Nike.
雖未透露更多共識後的條約細節,不過 USPS 美國郵政署勢必從中得到部分補償,如今鞋迷們不妨靜待這雙潛力大作的正式發售動作。