Michael Jordan 與 Kobe Bryant 最終簡訊內容正式曝光

本週末,Kobe Bryant 即將入主籃球名人堂,並由 Michael Jordan 作為引薦人,而近日 MJ 在接受《ESPN》訪問時,曝光了與 Kobe Bryant 最終的簡訊內容,時間是 2019 年 12 月 8 日。
“This tequila is awesome,” Kobe texted, referring to Jordan’s Cincoro Tequila, a bottle of which was sent to Bryant at the launch.
“Thank you, my brother,” Jordan responded.
“Yes, sir. Family good?” Kobe replied.
“All good. Yours?”
“All good.”
Jordan wanted to talk to Bryant about his daughter’s basketball team—which he was coaching. “He was really into coaching Gigi,” Jordan said, “so I hit him up about that.”
“Happy holidays,” Jordan texted back, “and hope to catch up soon. Coach Kobe??!”
“I added that little crying/laughing emoji,” Jordan chuckles.
“Ah, back at you, man,” Kobe wrote. “Hey, coach, I’m sitting on the bench right now, and we’re blowing this team out. 45-8.” …
對話中,先是由 Kobe 稱讚 Jordan 個人 Tequila 品牌「Cincoro」,之後雙方便親切問好近況,而 Jordan 在寒喧之後則關心起 Kobe 率領的女子籃球隊,因為 Jordan 知道 Kobe 十分享受教導女兒 Gigi 的籃球生涯,當中更能看間雙方打趣互稱對方為 Coach,而這番對話 Jordan 則說道這就是 Kobe 競爭天性的顯現。
Jordan 一直都是 Kobe 生命中最具代表性的精神導師,而 Jordan 也一直將 Kobe 視為自己最好的兄弟,雖然 Kobe 已逝,但兩人的情感連結與豐功偉業依舊為後世帶來十足的影響力。
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