即將上映!《正義聯盟 Justice League: The Snyder Cut》釋出最終版本預告
Zack Synder 導演版《Justice League: The Snyder Cut》(正義聯盟)將在本週正式上映,繼最大反派 Darkseid(Ray Porter 飾演)版本預告之後,HBO Max 今番正式釋出最終版本預告,長達 2 分 30 秒的內容將為正片提供最強火力的預熱。
本預告集結了過去所釋出的多樣版本預告,Zack Synder 導演版將擁有長達 4 小時的內容,預計能完整介紹 Darkseid、Steppenwolf 與天啓星大軍入侵地球前後的始末,也能看見地球大軍與反派們早就發生過遠古大戰,當時甚至還有綠光軍團的參戰。此外,預告中似乎也能看見 Martian Manhunter 的短暫亮相,而 Zack Synder 在過去就曾表示 Cyborg 的戲份將會更加吃重,或將扮演與母盒擁有極大連結的重要角色。
目前釋出的首波影評皆以正評居多,不少人稱讚其精彩與完整度,甚至有人以觀賞足足三次,將會顛覆大眾對於院線版的插進進項,本片將於 3 月 18 日正式上線。
I can now say that I have watched #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague and it is far superior to the original theatrical version. Rich character development, much better action, a coherent story & some terrific badass moments. Definitely a long watch, but I never felt tired of it. Well done pic.twitter.com/QXyQLdUApv
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) March 14, 2021
Zack Snyder’s Justice League: I enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s both very different, and eerily similar, to the original film with almost all of the changes and additions improving the characters and story. Better motivations. Bigger stakes. It’s bloated but superior & worth the wait pic.twitter.com/h7PRADzeJn
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) March 14, 2021
#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague does indeed exist, I seen it THREE TIMES now, & IT IS FREAKIN’ AWESOME! I had an absolute blast watching each time & shocked at just how good it actually is and how well it plays! Action packed, it hits all the beats & that @Junkie_XL score is straight🔥 pic.twitter.com/UgFW1Le9kA
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) March 14, 2021