Sony PlayStation 5 炒賣商公開已成功預購超過 2,000 台主機

上週,眾家電玩零售商重新補貨了先前公布應求的 Sony PlayStation 5,開放玩家們進行預購,然而此回一樣難以順利入手,除了主機數量真的不夠之外,看中轉售潛力的炒賣商無不也是主因之一,而一位匿名為 Carnage 的炒賣商就在 Twitter 上公開自己已經透過「特殊方式」成功預購到超過 2,000 台 PlayStation 5。
Carnage 表示自己是經由英國電玩零售商 GAME 重新補貨時所預購到 Sony PlayStation 5,Carnage 毫不掩飾地說:「已經成功預購超過 2,000 台 PS5,每次都比上一次更加容易。」毫無疑問地,他的貼文在網路上廣為流傳,引起了眾多玩家的怒火,紛紛批評 Carnage 的行為。一些用戶還聯繫了 GAME,要求他們關閉預購渠道,防止像 Carnage 這樣的人利用系統漏洞破壞公平交易,此舉也促使 GAME 發言人以正式聲明回應,官方表示所有訂單均會經過檢查,所有訂單都是預購商品,因此尚未從客戶那裡付款,付款將在訂單檢查完成後開始,因此也未能確定 Carnage 是否能如期獲得他的 2,000 台 PlayStation 5。各位對炒賣 PS5 有什麼看法呢?不妨在留言處與我們分享。
Seen that was thinking wtf however I think this was quite a big stock release so I’m thinking other companies have the same so scalpers should have hard time selling the resale price of ps5 have already been dropping aswell I suspect these drops will kill off scalping
— Josh (@ZombieJoshua) January 19, 2021
@GAMEdigital I hope you're going to cancel the preorderes for the PS5 that Carnage bot purchased to scalp the genuine buyers like me. 😡
— Chancy (@Chancy76) January 19, 2021
The bot scaplers carnage have got them all again. At this point not worth trying anymore #ps5restock #ps5
— Black_drone (@black_drone1) January 19, 2021
Guys make sure once you finish the queue, you go to bundles by going to PlayStation in the top left, then bundles. Also one of you guys sent your details to me for checkout.. REALLY don't recommend doing this with others!! #PS5 #ps5stock #PS5UK #PS5RESTOCK #PS5ukrestock #PS5DROP
— PS5 UK Stock – Instant Updates (@Ps5Instant) January 19, 2021
🤮 @GAMEdigital @GAMEHelps @eBay @AskeBay Any chance of stopping this anytime soon? 🤷♂️ #ps5 #ps5stockuk #scalpers
— 🇬🇧 UK PS5 & XBOX SERIES X/S STOCK ALERTS (@UKPS5Notify) January 19, 2021