率先一覽手遊《英雄聯盟: 激鬥峽谷》遊戲畫面
Riot Games 在上年 10 月中的《Riot Pls:10 週年特輯》直播活動便曾帶來《英雄聯盟: 激鬥峽谷》(League of Legends: Wild Rift)手機遊戲的預告,而今回則是進一步揭曉了遊戲畫面,當中包括縮小的地圖細節、角色操控和商城等部分,官方曾指出手遊版本 League of Legends 並非 PC 版本的單純移植,而是更加升級,而此次首波登場的角色包含 Ashe、Aurelion Sol、Blitzcrank、Jax、Janna 和 Jinx,共有刺客、鬥士、法師和射手等類型在內的 36 位。《英雄聯盟: 激鬥峽谷》(League of Legends: Wild Rift)預計將在今年正式開放,目前已經開放預先註冊,有興趣的讀者不妨多加留意。
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can on Wild Rift!
More info on the alpha below:
BR: https://t.co/2cA8IgZjHF
PH: https://t.co/QS56ooLhim— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) May 29, 2020
Throughout the alpha, we’ll continue to invite more players from BR and PH, selecting from those of you that pre-registered through the Google Play Store.https://t.co/LWZ7rHwvge
— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) May 29, 2020
We’re still early on our journey, so we’re keeping this test pretty small, and will do more later this year in other regions. For players in BR and PH: everything is still very work-in-progress, and we need your feedback to help make it better!
— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) May 29, 2020