Joker 榮登寶座!Rotten Tomatoes 公佈 21 年來「最佳電影時刻」票選排行榜

第一名的「Why so serious?」不會有人有意見吧?

Entertainment 娛樂

本月曾報導知名電影網站 Rotten Tomatoes 打造的「99 % 新鮮度」電影清單,還有 Netflix 熱門美劇《Mindhunter 破案神探》第二季在 Rotten Tomatoes 擁有極高的新鮮度評價

本月 Rotten Tomatoes 有鑒於團隊成立至今喜迎 21 週年紀念,開放大眾票選過去 21 年來的「最佳電影時刻」,超過萬人票選,最終第一名不意外地由《The Dark Knight》中 JokerHeath Ledger 飾演)的「Why so serious?」片段雀屏中選,第二位則是《Avengers: Infinity War》的「The Snap」居次,以下則為排行榜完整名單:

  1. The Joker from The Dark Knight
  2. The Snap from Avengers: Infinity War
  3. “I see dead people” from The Sixth Sense
  4. Carl and Ellie in the opening of Up
  5. Avengers assemble in New York from Marvel’s The Avengers
  6. The government lobby scene from The Matrix
  7. Gollum talks to Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  8. “No Man’s Land” from Wonder Woman 
  9. The upside-down kiss from Spider-Man
  10. Juan teaches Chiron to swim from Moonlight
  11. “Santa, here? I know him!” from Elf
  12. Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort duel from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
  13. “Remember me?!” from Mad Max: Fury Road
  14. The chest-waxing scene from The 40-Year-Old Virgin
  15. The bridesmaids get food poisoning from Bridesmaids
  16. London is deserted from 28 Days Later… 
  17. A kiss in the rain from The Notebook
  18. Satine’s entrance from Moulin Rouge!
  19. Crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge from Selma
  20. Heather’s confessional from The Blair Witch Project
  21. “Cars don’t fly!” from Furious 7

有興趣的讀者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可關注《Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker》全新預告片



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