Joker 榮登寶座!Rotten Tomatoes 公佈 21 年來「最佳電影時刻」票選排行榜
第一名的「Why so serious?」不會有人有意見吧?
本月曾報導知名電影網站 Rotten Tomatoes 打造的「99 % 新鮮度」電影清單,還有 Netflix 熱門美劇《Mindhunter 破案神探》第二季在 Rotten Tomatoes 擁有極高的新鮮度評價。
本月 Rotten Tomatoes 有鑒於團隊成立至今喜迎 21 週年紀念,開放大眾票選過去 21 年來的「最佳電影時刻」,超過萬人票選,最終第一名不意外地由《The Dark Knight》中 Joker(Heath Ledger 飾演)的「Why so serious?」片段雀屏中選,第二位則是《Avengers: Infinity War》的「The Snap」居次,以下則為排行榜完整名單:
- The Joker from The Dark Knight
- The Snap from Avengers: Infinity War
- “I see dead people” from The Sixth Sense
- Carl and Ellie in the opening of Up
- Avengers assemble in New York from Marvel’s The Avengers
- The government lobby scene from The Matrix
- Gollum talks to Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
- “No Man’s Land” from Wonder Woman
- The upside-down kiss from Spider-Man
- Juan teaches Chiron to swim from Moonlight
- “Santa, here? I know him!” from Elf
- Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort duel from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
- “Remember me?!” from Mad Max: Fury Road
- The chest-waxing scene from The 40-Year-Old Virgin
- The bridesmaids get food poisoning from Bridesmaids
- London is deserted from 28 Days Later…
- A kiss in the rain from The Notebook
- Satine’s entrance from Moulin Rouge!
- Crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge from Selma
- Heather’s confessional from The Blair Witch Project
- “Cars don’t fly!” from Furious 7
有興趣的讀者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可關注《Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker》全新預告片。