Nintendo 大勢電玩《Pokémon Sword and Shield》全新遊戲預告發佈
Nintendo 和 The Pokémon Company 早先釋出了《Pokémon Sword and Shield》全新的遊戲預告,主要在介紹 Galarian 版本的 Weezing、Zigzagoon 和 Linoone。
在第一代精靈寶可夢中便出現的 Weezing,今番便出現了全新樣貌,同樣以噴射瓦斯為攻擊招式,但在原本的外觀上加上了煙囪造型,而在第三代精靈寶可夢才出現的 Zigzagoon 和 Linoone,則是推出了黑白的 Galarian 配色,並迎來了名為 Obstagoon 的全新進化形態。
除此之外,也出現了全新的精靈寶可夢名為 Morpeko。以倉鼠為靈感發想的 Morpeko,除了長相神似精靈寶可夢中最具代表性的 Pikachu 之外,它還擁有「Full Belly」與「Hangry Mode」兩種型態,伴隨著顏色改變而來的則是原本的電屬性將會轉變為暗屬性攻擊。
《Pokémon Sword and Shield》將會在今年 11 月 15 日發售,屆時亦會有 Nintendo Switch Lite 同捆包一齊發售,有興趣的各位還請多加留意,亦可關注與 Pokémon Go 息息相關的手機遊戲平台消息—— Samsung 全新 Galaxy Note 10 旗艦手機系列正式發佈。
You knew this was coming, Trainers. Introducing Team Yell!
These troublemakers will attempt to get in your way at every opportunity. They want nothing more than for Marnie to become Champion, and they’ll stop at nothing to make that happen.
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) 2019年8月7日
Meet Marnie, Trainers! She’s teamed up with Morpeko and wants to become the Champion of the Galar region in order to accomplish a certain goal.
She has many passionate fans, thanks to her calm, calculated battle strategies.
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) 2019年8月7日
Case in point: Meet Morpeko!
Morpeko constantly generates electricity with the sacs in its cheeks, which consumes energy, causing Morpeko to be constantly hungry.
(Retweet if you can relate.)
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) 2019年8月7日