忍無可忍!Futura 宣布正式關閉自家線上店舖

知名藝術家 Futura,於六月初在香港舉辦展覽發佈了和 Concrete Objects 推出了全新公仔《Null》、和 A-COLD-WALL* 及 Dover Street Market 打造限量聯乘系列、與 New York Mets 合作推出球隊創立 50 週年紀念商品,以及最近曝光的與兩大品牌 Off-White™ 和 Nike 設計的全新 Nike SB 鞋款。這幾個月話題不斷的 Futura 稍早又發佈了一則驚動消息。
隨著市場對他的作品越來越有興趣,轉售的狀況愈發頻繁,Futura 為了讓真心喜歡他的作品粉絲能夠以公道價格入手,宣布關閉他的線上店舖 FUTURARCHIVES online shop,可說是斬斷了所有再售商輕鬆入手 Futura 作品的唯一管道。
以下是 Futura 的完整聲明:
This is a message from: Futura
In an effort to get our products into the proper hands (who will actually appreciate it) we will reach out to those individuals. To the real fans and supporters, you know who you are (and we know who you are). You will be hearing from us at FL. We hope this will reduce our products being sold at second or third-hand markets and reselling them at exorbitant prices. We hate that our fans are fighting against at machine (sic). We want this to be a unique and fair experience for every person.
Because of that: FUTURARCHIVES is now indefinitely closed.
Thank you for your participation and your understanding.
Real humans will prevail (always).
除了 Futura 的消息,亦可關注另一名藝術家 Dave Persue 全新展覽「PERSUE experience」正式開催。