Nike 2019 年度「Air Max Day」或將不會迎來新鞋發售!?
同時宣佈最新企劃「Give Fresh Air」!

Nike 每年度的三月最大盛典即是「Air Max Day」,過去總會於活動前後發佈革命性的最新鞋款,如去年即是 Sean Wotherspoon 設計的 Nike Air Max 1/97,而今年則為 Air Max 720 的橫世降臨。
而隨著「Air Max Day」節慶的接近,不少忠實鞋迷引頸期盼尚未亮相的別注鞋款,不料 Nike 決定將今年度「Air Max Day」化為全新篇章的起始,將不會特別推出別注鞋款。Nike 將積極與世界各區的商業合作夥伴打造「Give Fresh Air」企劃,透過「Air」這項品牌重要因子,連結與回饋國際間的大小社區,而以下是該企劃的聲明:
With the launch of the Air Max 1 in 1987, a revolution began. In the years since, Nike and “Air” have become synonymous while expanding its loyal following.
Although March 26, 1987, marks the beginning of the epic Air Max journey, this Air Max Day launches a new chapter focused on taking action. We know that change happens when people come together. Give Fresh Air is a rally cry to unify sneaker culture around a shared passion to ignite change. Nike and our partners will create ways to give “Air” to support local organizations and champion the power of community.
而過去規劃將在「Air Max Day」發佈的鞋款又將如何釋出,有興趣的讀者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可關注 AMAC Customs 以 sacai x Nike 為靈感打造 Air Jordan 1 High 客製鞋款。