耿耿於懷!Chris Pratt 在訪談中再一次為其 Star-Lord 角色作辯護

在四月上映《Avengers: Infinity War》電影後,大家隨即入場觀看,並同時對劇情作出討論,當中尤其以集合 Iron Man、Spider-man、Dr. Strange 及 Star-Lord 等一幕力搶無限手套情節令影迷們又愛又恨。而因為 Star-Lord 的衝動更隨後引發影迷們的不滿,將情緒發洩到 Star-Lord 演員 Chris Pratt 的身上。當然隨後 Chris Pratt 便風趣幽默地回應 Marvel 擁躉們一連串的攻擊,並希望大家可以放下。然而最近 Chris Pratt 在接受 RadioTimes 的訪問時,便為其飾演的 Star-Lord 角色作出辯護。
Look – the guy watched his mother die, he watched as his father-figure died in his arms, he was forced to kill his own biological father. And now has suffered the loss of the love of his life. So I think he reacted in a way that’s very human, and I think the humanity of the Guardians of the Galaxy is what sets them apart from other superheroes. I think if we did it a hundred times I wouldn’t change a thing.
Chris Pratt 認為 Star-Lord 因為看着自己的母親死去,然後又被迫殺死自己的父親。而現在又讓他失去一生所愛,認為這個反應方式非常人性化,並且認為 GotG 的人性和其他超級英雄是有區別的。Chris Pratt 更指即使事情發生一百次,也不會改變到這事情。隨後他再補充一句:
I guess you could have the movie end a half hour earlier if you wanted, but it seemed like people really liked this. And also, I blame Thanos, OK? Jeez, how come he’s not getting any blame? That’s a really good point, right? Clearly I’m very sensitive about this.
Chris Pratt 亦很率性表示若大家不想看的,大可提前半小時離開戲院,但似乎很多人都很喜歡這一幕。而同時為何大家卻沒有去指責 Thanos,這明顯是一個很好的觀點,那不如讓他來責怪 Thanos 好了,隨後他笑說自己很明顯是對此事非常敏感。
當然大家也不知道何以事隔一段時間,Chris Pratt 還這麼耿耿於懷的重提舊事,他另一套擔演的《侏羅紀世界:迷失國度》電影亦將在下周上演,或許算是個宣傳策略吧。而據稱《Avengers 4》中大家或將會再次看到 Star-Lord 的出現,那麼屆時希望大家已經放下對他的「仇恨」。有關更多 MARVEL 的資訊,還請繼續鎖定我們 HYPEBEAST 的報道。