Marvel Studios 總裁 Kevin Feige 後悔為《Avengers 4》主題賣關子
在昨日綜合多個看畢《Avengers : Infinity War》推測的《Avengers 4》主題,讓大家一同討論的同時。當中一個備受熱話的主題,便讓 Marvel Studios 總裁 Kevin Feige 大感困惑。因為他最近接受了 Collider 訪問,談及到關於《Avengers : Infinity War》下集《Avengers 4》時,他表示對於保留《Avengers 4》主題感到輕微後悔,並堅決地表示不會是以《Avengers : Infinity Gauntlet》命題。
“When we announce the title I am not sure, but as I’ve probably said to you, it’s gotten completely blown out of proportion. It will just be a name and the reason to hold it back was to keep the attention on Infinity War. That backfired a little bit because now everyone thinks what’s the name of the next one gonna be? But it was really just to keep the focus [on Infinity War]. We did not want to call it Part One and Part Two. Although it will be quite evident that the films obviously connect, as all our films do, but this in particular connects very directly. And then we changed the Part One and Part Two, we said let’s just keep this Infinity War and we’ll talk about the next movie later. We had done things in the past that had taken attention off of whatever the film at hand is because we talked about this. For instance, Infinity War announcing before Ultron came out, and it worked out, it was fine, but it felt like let’s keep the attention on the film at hand.”
他認為其實只是一個名字,無必要過分吹噓,未曾公開只是希望大家能把專注力先放在《Avengers : Infinity War》上,而他們不想稱它為第一部分和第二部分,雖然很明顯電影是有連接的。但是他們認為先處理當前的《Avengers : Infinity War》,然後再談下一部電影。訪問中他還提及到《Black Panther》電影的成功,以及一些拍攝過程分享,有興趣了解更多的可至 Collider 上閱看。