痛失 EDM 人才!知名全球百大 DJ Avicii 得年 28 歲
目前死因不明,Rest In Peace。

獲頒多次「百大 DJ」認證的 Avicii(本名 Tim Bergling)在今日經過家人證實,於 4 月 20 日下午時間在 Oman 首都 Muscat 發現 Avicii 離世的事實,得年 28 歲。Avicii 的家人目前處於悲痛狀態,希望外界尊重隱私,暫別打擾他們,未來將不會有進一步聲明作發布。
Avicii 於 2016 年時曾因身體問題暫時引退樂壇,並在去年曾於 Instagram 向粉絲喊話即將回歸的宣言,讓不少粉絲備感興奮,可惜的是今日卻發生如此不幸的消息,有興趣的讀者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可回顧下列 Avicii 知名歌曲。
“It is with profound sorrow that we announce the loss of Tim Bergling, also known as Avicii,” the statement reads. “He was found dead in Muscat, Oman this Friday afternoon local time, April 20th. The family is devastated and we ask everyone to please respect their need for privacy in this difficult time. No further statements will be given.”