LeBron James 該轉投 Spurs 只為聯手傳奇教頭 Gregg Popovich?
Stephen Jackson: 與 Pop 聯手才有機會超越 MJ 的成就!

先前 ESPN 曾列出 LeBron James 今夏應該考量加入的 7 支球隊,包括 Warrios、Rockets、Clippers、Lakers、Heat、76ers 與 Spurs 等七隊,而在近日又有媒體爆出 LeBron 只考量續約 Cavs、Rockets、Lakers 與 76ers,當然 LeBron 也曾說過只要不是他親口說的,就都並非事實。而近日前 NBA 球員 Stephen Jackson 於節目中,建議 LeBron 也該將 Spurs 列入考量名單,原因就是 LeBron 曾未與像 Gregg Popovich 般的傳奇教頭合作過。他表示 LeBron 是世界上最好的球員之一,他能在每支球隊中打球,Spurs 陣中也擁有最佳防守球員 Kawhi Leonard 或是 LaMarcus Aldridge 與 Pau Gasol 等人,當然最主要仍是 Popovich 能幫助他,加入 Spurs 或許 LeBron 的成就或許才有機會超越 Michael。
I think L.A. is great for LeBron, but anywhere is great for him.It doesn’t matter where he goes. I (would) like (for him to go to) San Antonio because he’s never played for a coach like Gregg Popovich. I think he’s never played with a great defender like Kawhi Leonard. And the way LaMarcus Aldridge is playing right now… I think Pau (Gasol) can help them (as well). The team that the Spurs have, with Popovich at the helm, I think LeBron would be great there.And he’d have a chance to catch Mike there.