Apple 確認 HomePod 會在木製家具上留下白色環

剛在上周已經在美國公開發售的 Apple HomePod,相信已經成為不少人的新「家品」。但卻因為 HomePod 放置在家中便發生了奇怪的事,Wirecutter 和 Pocket-lint 在各自發布的 HomePod 評論上便提及到這事情,指出 HomePod 若然是放在油面或蠟面木製家具上不到 20 分鐘,木面上會出現一個白色的環,幾天後便會慢慢褪色。
For our tests we placed the speaker on a solid oak kitchen worktop treated with Danish oil.
Within 20 minutes the HomePod had caused a white discoloured ring to appear on the wood that some days later has faded, although still hasn’t completely disappeared.
We subsequently tested the HomePod on other materials: the same wood that hadn’t been treated with Danish oil and a regular lacquered desk and haven’t seen the same issues.
而 Apple 便表示是矽膠底座的揚聲器,放置在某些塗油或打蠟的表面時,會留下「溫和的標記」,表明是與處理過的木材發生化學作用引起的。
目前還不清楚問題是否僅限於木製家具上,或者問題是否會對 HomePod 的矽膠基地造成任何長期損壞。但就目前而言可以的話,Apple 建議不要將 HomePod 放在有油或蠟表面的表面上,那麼各位 HomePod 新用家需要注意一下了。