Marvel Studios 總裁 Kevin Feige 透露 X-Men 或將於 2019 年加入 MCU
X-Men 有機會在《Avengers: Endgame》意外亮相嗎?

在 Disney 以天價 $713 億美元收購 21st Century Fox 後,《X-Men》、《Deadpool》與《Fantastic Four》確定成為 MCU 一員,而何時能與 Marvel 現有英雄會面都是影迷們所期待的。而月初曾報導 Russo Brothers 一口同聲確認 21st Century Fox 原旗下英雄絕對能在未來融入 MCU,更談到 Marvel Studios 總裁 Kevin Feige 絕對能為大家圓夢。
而近日 Kevin Feige 也在專訪中,證實了上段言論,搶先預告 X-Men 加入 MCU 的計畫會在 2019 上半年著手籌備。但目前尚未有完整構思能夠透露給觀眾,畢竟 MCU 已邁入成熟階段,要再讓其他英雄加入,必須經過縝密的計畫。
“It’s surreal, in one way it’s incredibly satisfying. In the other way, it’s nearly unbelievable from where we started. There were days when I wasn’t sure we would be able to get Iron Man in theaters. There were days when I thought Avengers was a pipe dream. And there were days after Avengers where I thought, ‘Well, where do we go?’”
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