《Avengers: Infinity War》外傳故事書揭示:還有兩位角色「並沒有化灰」

極有可能會成為《Avengers 4》擊敗 Thanos 的關鍵角色!

Entertainment 娛樂

距離《Avengers 4》的預定上映日期尚有半年多,雖然到現時為止尚未有任何官方細節揭露,但網絡上卻一直有透過不同渠道的猜測出現,繼早前《Avengers 4》的前奏曲漫畫之外,此番另一本《Avengers: Infinity War》電影外傳故事書就揭示了再有兩位角色並沒有「化灰」。早前,《Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest, Volume 2: Aftermath》的作者 Brandon T. Snider 就在其個人 Twitter 上分享了其最新著作的封面及封底,位於封底的介紹就揭露了相關情報:

A deadly threat emerged from the cosmos — and it was fulfilled. In the wake of Thanos’ horrifying success, the people of Earth are left reeling in despair and confusion. Without any logical explanation for the blip-out event, those remaining must pick up the pieces.

Doctor Erik Selvig and his associate Darcy Lewis are determined to find and understand the cause of the devastation. With a team of friends both old and new, they embark on a pursuit of knowledge, eager to discover the links between their own pasts and the stones that decimated half of humanity — the Infinity Stones. Little do they know that a new foe who threatens to destroy them all is looming….

故事背景將定在 Thanos 成功把全宇宙一半生命「化灰」後,剩下的一半生命均陷入了絕望和困惑當中,而在《Thor》電影率先出現的 Erik Selvig 及助手 Darcy Lewis 就決心找出事情的真相。意味著這兩位角色逃過了「化灰」的厄運,而且還有機會成為《Avengers 4》擊敗 Thanos 故事的關鍵。



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