Taron Egerton 確認《Kingsman》續集將不會有「Eggsy」出現
Eggsy 要離開皇家特工了嗎?!

憑《Kingsman》「Eggsy」一角爆紅的英國男星 Taron Egerton 在最近與 Yahoo Movies UK 宣傳新電影的一則訪談中就確認了在《Kingsman》的續集中將不會有「Eggsy」出現:
I don’t know how hot off the press this is, and I think I’m allowed to say it, but I’m not in the next Kingsman movie. That doesn’t mean I won’t be in Kingsman ever again. I was with Matthew [Vaughn] as little as a few days ago, we’re still very much in business together, but his next journey in that world doesn’t involve me.
其實早在今年 6 月,導演 Matthew Vaughn 就透露了《Kingsman》將會有外傳電影《Kingsman: The Great Game》推出,以 1900 年代組織成立的故事為主軸,這樣當然不會有 Eggsy 的出現,而在訪談中,Taron Egerton 就明示了這並非代表 Eggsy 從此於《Kingsman》世界中消失,不過從中可以推敲,「下一部」率先上映的《Kingsman》電影或許便是傳聞中的前傳,而非《Kingsman》正傳第三集。