The Weeknd 與其斷絕關係!H&M 因一件衛衣而引發種族歧視危機
LeBron James 亦為事件發聲!

來自瑞典的時裝集團 H&M,因找來黑人小朋友充當衛衣模特兒,卻引發了種族歧視的危機!事緣是 H&M 在新推出的童裝衛衣網上商店型錄當中,找來了一位黑人小朋友充當模特兒,但衛衣上卻寫著「COOLEST MONKEY IN THE JUNGLE」。然而,另一件帶有森林生還者意思的衛衣卻是白人小朋友穿著,此組照片讓不少人感到反感。
.@hm this is inappropriate, offensive, and racist. Why is the white kid "a jungle survivor" and the black kid the "coolest monkey in the jungle"? How do you think this is okay? REMOVE this and the clothing piece. This is completely distasteful! #racist #hm
— Selene Arianela (@ArianelaSelene) January 8, 2018
事件發生後,H&M 亦作出了道歉及將照片下架,表示:「We apologise to anyone this may have offended.」但依然難掩蓋大眾的氣憤,更開始引來公眾人物對品牌的抵制。如曾與 H&M 推出聯乘系列的 The Weeknd,就在個人 Twitter 上表示將不會再與 H&M 合作,亦代表著他將與其斷絕關係:
woke up this morning shocked and embarrassed by this photo. i’m deeply offended and will not be working with @hm anymore…
— The Weeknd (@theweeknd) January 8, 2018
而籃球界的 NBA 巨星 LeBron James 亦在其 Instagram 上分享了經過修改的黑人小朋友照片,於照片上加入「KING OF THE WORLD」字眼,並以皇冠圖案遮蓋衣服上的字眼及為他戴上皇冠,並為自己的種族發聲!事情持續發酵下去會變成怎樣?看來 H&M 的團隊要好好想想了。