Giannis Antetokounmpo 試圖遊說球團別開除總教練 Jason Kidd

Milwaukee Bucks 在今日無預警開除從 2014 年任職至今的總教練 Jason Kidd,並由助理教練 Joe Prunty 暫時代理總教練職務。總經理 Jon Horst 代表球團發布聲明,並向 Jason Kidd 近年來對於球團的文化培養與改變:
We appreciate everything that Jason has done for the Bucks organization, but we have decided to make a coaching change.We believe that a fresh approach and a change in leadership are needed to continue elevating our talented team towards the next level, bringing us closer to our goal of competing for championships.
Jason led a historic turnaround during his first season and would guide our team to two playoff appearances. He also played a meaningful role in helping to keep the Bucks in Milwaukee. We thank him for all of his contributions and wish him the best.
Jason Kidd 加入球團後執意培養隊中多位年輕球員,當中成長最為明顯的就是明星球員 Giannis Antetokounmpo,據傳 Giannis 曾致電給 Kidd,表示不贊同球團的決定,甚至詢問該如何幫助教練避免開除。由此可見 Giannis 對於 Kidd 的教導十分感激,這段師徒之情或許能成為一段佳話。
今日 Milwaukee Bucks 以 109 比 105 逆轉擊敗 Phoenix Suns,Giannis Antetokounmpo 因膝蓋疼痛並未上場,有興趣的讀者亦可留意 Isaiah Thomas 作客最新一期《Sneaker Shopping》分享購買「假 Jordan」經驗的最新情報。