Wolverine 漫畫家病逝,自身健康狀況啟發創作 Wolverine

Marvel 漫畫著名角色 Wolverine 的創作者 Len Wein,近日不幸病逝,各界人士除表示惋惜外,亦對 Len Wein 的妻子 Christine Valada 表達關心。她接受 The Hollywood Reporter 訪問時,跟記者談起了 Len Wein 生前創作角色時的一些私事 :
He was in and out of the hospital since he was three years old. And I have always felt his characters reflected a lot of what he went through. Swamp Thing was a reflection of this body that didn’t work for him. But then there was that healing factor of Wolverine, which kept getting him through it.
Len Wein 自小身體欠佳,他的妻子 Christine Valada 認為丈夫創作的角色,很多時都反映著自己的身體。例如他為 DC 漫畫創造出的 Swamp Thing(沼澤異形),反映自己不正常的健康狀況,而擁有自我再生能力、頑強的 Wolverine,則代表他如何面對和跨過困境。而 Len Wein 今年在多次手術後,亦曾笑稱希望自己擁有 Wolverine 的自癒能力。