Tinker Hatfield 拍賣親筆繪畫的 Air Jordan 3「True Blue」作慈善用途

以設計 Air Jordan 系列而聞名的著名球鞋設計師 Tinker Hatfield 最近就把一幅他的手稿畫作公開拍賣,並最終以 $4,050 美金成交,拍賣所得的款項將全數捐到美國非營利組織 Make-A-Wish Foundation。畫中所見 Hatfield 正手執畫筆繪畫 Air Jordan 3「True Blue」,而啟發他畫出這幅畫的,就是因骨癌逝世的 14 歲小孩 Andrew Woodruff,他生前的願望便是參觀在 Oregon 的 Nike Campus,而 Nike 在去年就幫他實現了,只是在不久後他便不敵病魔。以下便是 Hatfield 本人對畫作的詮譯:
The hand is more important than the object. The hand euphemistically is the creator. It’s a statement that is ‘a little’ in opposition to the notion that the sneaker itself is such a marvel. Maybe the story behind it, and the skill to create something from scratch, is the marvel. It’s a statement about the importance of collaboration – in this case with Michael Jordan. It’s a PRO DESIGN statement.