失諸交臂-三大應用程式無預警不支援 Apple Watch


Tech & Gadgets 科技與電子產品
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那邊廂才於盈利報告中提到有關 Apple Watch 的業務大豐收,但風光背後原來暗起危機,在過去幾個月的時間裡,有幾間大公司悄悄地將他們的應用程式從 Apple Watch 中退下火線。AppleInsider 指出 Google Maps,Amazon 和 eBay 已經不在 App Store 裹,這三個應用程式均是 Apple Watch 最早期已經出現的,更加是 Apple Watch 發佈後幾個月後已相應支援。但有發現指他們在最近的更新中悄悄移除了對 watchOS 的支援,原來是認為程式並未能夠在 Apple Watch 上廣泛使用,而三間公司的聲明分別如下。


「The Apple Watch app has been temporarily removed but will be re-launched later. “We removed Apple Watch support from our latest iOS release but expect to support it again in the future.」


「We are constantly innovating on behalf of our customers. There are a number of reasons we don’t think this is the right solution for our customers at this time. We are always trying new things and look forward to experimenting with wearable solutions in the future.」


「We are in the works of revamping it. We don’t currently have a release timeframe from our mobile team.」

據三方面的聲明,看來他們只是「暫時」把應用程式移除對 watchOS 的支援,相信日後會有機會再次於 Apple Watch 上出現,那麼我們暫且拭目以待它們的回歸。



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