Apple 全新 Campus「Apple Park」即將於四月對外開放

由已故教父 Steve Jobs 提案的鉅作終於完成。

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時間回到 2006 年的 4 月,當時仍是 Apple 決策人的 Steve Jobs 就宣佈將會為 Apple 於發源地 Cupertino 興建新總部,經過多番周旋後計劃在 2013 年正式被批准並開展了建立工作,事隔十年大家即將可以有機會去一覽這宏偉建築。這間新總部將會以已故教父 Steven Jobs 提及的 Apple Park 為命名,目前估地約 5.71 平方公里,約 260,000 平方公尺的四層環狀玻璃建築預計可容納多達 12,000名 員工,樓內咖啡廳提供 3,000 個座位,大量綠化園林包圍其中,設有地下停車場,屋頂更加是設置現有地球上最大的太陽能設備提供再生能源。而且更宣告將於四月正式對外開放,以後的發佈會及其他活動亦會在這裡舉辦,而現任 Apple 主理人 Tim Cook 及 首席設計師 Jony Ive 就分別為這新建築作以下補充。

Steve’s vision for Apple stretched far beyond his time with us. He intended Apple Park to be the home of innovation for generations to comeThe workspaces and parklands are designed to inspire our team as well as benefit the environment. We’ve achieved one of the most energy-efficient buildings in the world and the campus will run entirely on renewable energy.

Steve invested so much of his energy creating and supporting vital, creative environments. We have approached the design, engineering and making of our new campus with the same enthusiasm and design principles that characterize our products. Connecting extraordinarily advanced buildings with rolling parkland creates a wonderfully open environment for people to create, collaborate and work together. We have been extremely fortunate to be able to work closely, over many years, with the remarkable architectural practice Foster + Partners.



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