《Justice League》被證實有拍攝 Superman 黑色戰服造型
由《Justice League》的攝影師親口證實

近日《Justice League》的攝影師 Fabian Wagner 接受 Inverse 訪問,被問及之前一直盛傳 Superman 會在《Justice League》中穿上黑色戰服一事時,他作出了以下回應 :
There were [scenes shot]. It’s a cool looking costume. Sadly we didn’t see that either in the final cut. Zack takes his time with telling the stories and I’ve always liked that about his movies. There are a few scenes that I was very much looking forward to seeing which unfortunately got cut.
Fabian Wagner 證實了電影本來確實有拍攝 Superman 穿黑色戰服的場景,不過沒有被保留在最後的剪輯版之中。其實 Henry Cavill 上月接受 WSVN TV 訪問時,也有被問到同樣的問題,而他也暗示過黑色戰服的存在,不過可惜最後未能出現在大銀幕之中。
另外,DC 的下一套電影新作是水行俠的個人電影《Aquaman》,是明年上映的 8 套美漫超級英雄電影之一,有興趣可到這裡了解。