重大承諾 − Nike 將改善 NBA 球衣撕裂問題

Nike 十分重視這項問題。

Sports 體育

Nike 從今年開始與 NBA 展開合作關係,致力發展載有最新科技、最輕量與排汗性極佳的「Nike NBA Connected Jersey」。九月初於美國洛杉磯正式發表,多樣化的嶄新功能展示,成功展現出 Nike 對未來球衣的野心。不料,從熱身賽開始,包括 LeBron James、Bradley Beal、Draymond Green 與 Ben Simmons,球衣於比賽中損壞的問題頻頻發生,引起球迷與球員的強烈關注,而 Nike 也相當重視這項問題,發表了正式聲明:

“Nike has always put the athlete at the center of everything we do and we have worked hard to create the most advanced uniforms in the history of the NBA. They are lighter and deliver great mobility and sweat wicking characteristics, and the feedback from players has been overwhelmingly positive. However, during game play we have seen a small number of athletes experience significant jersey tears. We are very concerned to see any game day tear and are working to implement a solution that involves standardizing the embellishment process and enhancing the seam strength of game day jerseys. The quality and performance of our products are of utmost importance and we are working with the NBA and teams to avoid this happening in the future.”

NBA 承諾將與 NBA 球隊合作,改善球衣品質問題,未來如有更多最新報導,請多加留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導。



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