每班超過 11 小時!Apple iPhone X 中國生產線涉嫌違法使用學生工人
一位 18 歲的女同學抱怨道:「我們是被學校強迫到這裏工作的。」

隨著 iPhone X 在全球的熱銷,Apple 也正在努力從生產方面追上訂單進度,但是最近品牌卻再次遇上一件麻煩事,原來有 6 名學生向《The Financial Times》表示,他們在 Foxconn 富士康鄭州一家工廠負責組裝 iPhone X,不過每個班要工作長達 11 個小時,這超出了中國勞動法針對實習生工作時長的規定。據悉這 6 名學生均來自鄭州城軌交通學校,他們還透露今年 9 月該校約有 3,000 名學生被派往富士康鄭州工廠工作,其中一位 18 歲的女生抱怨道:「我們是被學校強迫到這裏工作的,這些工作與我們的學業無關。」此外她還表示自己每天要組裝最多 1,200 個 iPhone X 攝像頭。
針對這件事,Apple 和富士康承認確實發現實習生超時工作的問題,,即每周工作時長不得超過 40 個小時,並且目前正在采取補救措施。與此同時富士康強調這些學生都是自願來這裡工作的,並獲得了相應的報酬。而 Apple 方面則作出如下聲明:
During the course of a recent audit, we discovered instances of student interns working overtime at a supplier facility in China. We’ve confirmed the students worked voluntarily, were compensated and provided benefits, but they should not have been allowed to work overtime. At this facility, student intern programs are short term and account for a very small percentage of the workforce. When we found that some students were allowed to work overtime, we took prompt action. A team of specialists are on site at the facility working with the management on systems to ensure the appropriate standards are adhered to.