原來 Stephen Curry 差一點簽不了五年 2 億美元新合約


Sports 體育

還有印象的會記得七月首日,NBA 便帶來多個驚人消息,Golden State Warriors 宣布和 Stephen Curry 達成新合約,並將以 5 年期 2.01 億美元的金額簽署,當時 Stephen Curry 搖身一躍成為簽署 NBA 聯盟歷史上最高身價合同的人。雖然很快便已經被 Russell Westbrook 與 Oklahoma City Thunder 的五年 2.05 億美元超越,但依然是值得留意的重磅交易。但根據 The Athketic 最近的一份報告指,原來 Stephen Curry 本來是差一點簽不了這份合同,因為 Warrios 的班主 Joe Lacob 不希望 Curry 以最大合同留隊,但球隊總經理卻持反見。

“On top of that, as the Warriors prepared for the postseason, Warriors owner Joe Lacob was considering offering Curry a contract below the max, even though Curry has been one of the most underpaid players in all of sports over the last three seasons. Warriors general manager Bob Myers kept Lacob from bringing a reduced offer to the negotiating table, but it was enough of a thing that Myers reassured Curry of the franchise’s commitment.

Curry knew there were mumblings of possibly asking him to take less than the max. He brushed it off as a meaningless until it was actually time to sign.”

最終同隊的 Kevin Durant 願意減薪留隊,無形間幫助了 Golden State Warriors 能夠和 Stephen Curry 達成這項交易,而是否實至名歸,相信往後大家便可以看得到。



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