Tim Cook 認為 AR 擴增實境技術將會改變時尚行業

「我不認為任何行業不會受到 AR 的影響。」

Tech & Gadgets 科技與電子產品

隨着 Apple 最新旗艦手機 iPhone X 即將推出,看來 Apple 的主理人 Tim Cook 可以稍作歇息,並接受各界訪問。此番他便受 VOUGE 邀訪,討論有關 AR 技術的進步。Tim Cook 在採訪中指出 AR 技術或許能改變時尚行業,可以藉着技術來識別別人所穿的東西,或者在時裝表演中獲得全景視野;他還補充說 AR 技術可以改變每一個行業,並不認為任何行業不會受到 AR 的影響。以下是他訪問的一些節錄:

AR 與時裝展:

“If you think about a runway show in the fashion world, that’s a great application of AR because some of these, you want to see the dress all the way around, you do not want to just see the front.”

Tim Cook 認為 AR 擴增實境技術將會改變時尚行業

以 AR 去來識別其他人正在穿什麼

“We don’t have a plan to collect all of these objects, but I know companies who are working on that for their products. If you think about companies that offer a fair number of shoes, and [if a customer] sees a shoe and goes I want that one, you just want to point and [buy]. That will be a part of the shopping experience of the future, it absolutely will.”

Apple 推出 AR 眼鏡

Something that you would see out in the market any time soon would not be something that any of us would be satisfied with.

“There are rumours and gossip about companies working on that, and we obviously don’t talk about what we work on. But today I can tell you that the technology itself doesn’t exist to do that in a quality way. We don’t give a rats about being first, we want to be best in creating people’s experiences.”

如此一說,Tim Cook 雖然認為技術還沒純熟,但確實無意間透露了 Apple 將會推出一些更意想不到的東西,大家就請密切期待,及留意我們 HYPEBEAST 的報道,或不妨留意以下這則因為技術出錯以致全球恐慌一陣子的消息。



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