Raf Simons 認為時尚產業瘋狂節奏扼殺創意且不願「跟風」

業界不應該把注意力「浪費」在是否應該加快秀場服裝的上架時間、以及怎樣通過 Twitter 與 Instagram 等社交媒體平台宣傳的爭論上。

Fashion 時裝

Raf Simons x Kvadrat 家居布藝合作系列發佈之際,The Telegraph 對這位比利時設計師進行了深度專訪。除了暢談與丹麥紡織品生產商的合作過程外,Raf Simon 就時尚產業的超快節奏以及社交媒體的作用力發表了自己的看法。其認為業界不應該把注意力「浪費」在是否應該加快秀場服裝的上架時間、以及怎樣通過 Twitter 與 Instagram 等社交媒體平台宣傳的爭論上,而是得去關注是否有足夠的創意設計師擁有能力、且「心甘情願」駕馭當下的殘酷節奏(見以下原文)。此外,Raf 還對離開 Dior 的根本原因侃侃而談,稱並沒有預想到自己相對較短的任職時間,但從最起初亦沒有「承諾」較長的任期。但最重要原因依舊是因為當下時尚體系的瘋狂節奏,其並不願意一味「趕工」,因為會在這個過程中丟失很多重要環節(設計方面)。感興趣的朋友可以點擊此處瀏覽完整專訪內容。

Everyone is paying attention to the wrong thing in my opinion. There’s this huge debate about ‘Oh my God, should we sell the garments the day after the show or three days after the show or should we tweet it in this way or Instagram it in that way?’… You know, all that kind of bullshit. Will all that stuff still be relevant 30 years from now? I don’t think so. What we should ask is will we have enough creative people who are strong enough and willing to do what is necessary right now to follow that madhouse. Lots of people are starting to question it. My generation especially is shifting now… like me and Phoebe [Philo], Nicolas [Ghesquière] and Marc [Jacobs]. We’ve been around for 20 or more years. We know what fashion was and where it’s heading to. Now it’s a question of what we are willing to do and how we are going to do it.



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