重大更新!Mac 與 PC 平台將能串流 PlayStation 4 遊戲

Remote Play 功能降臨,在 Mac 和 PC 上玩 PS4 遊戲不再是夢想!

Entertainment 娛樂

早在去年 11 月,網絡上就曝出 Sony 計劃讓 Mac PC 用戶直接串接 PlayStation 4 進行遊戲,就如同手機上的「Remote Play」一樣,日前這一消息正式出現在了 PlayStation 的官方日誌上,在下一次重大軟件升級後(3 月 2 日更新的 3.50 版本中將不會加入這項功能),玩家便可以通過 Wi-Fi 連結,在電腦上暢玩 PlayStation 4 遊戲!這項功能一直受到廣大 PS4 用戶的期待,在越來越多人將 PlayStation 與電腦同時分享屏幕的狀況下,這個功能意味著玩家不需要再麻煩地切換屏幕,就可以直接在電腦上體驗遊戲快感。此外,相比於競爭對手 Xbox One 只能支持 Windows 10 電腦,PS4 的做法顯然能夠贏得更多客戶群體,而「Remote Play」推廣和應用,相信也會讓 PlayStation 向著成為家庭影音娛樂中樞的目標更進一步。


New Social Features
Friend Online Notification – Want to know the moment your friends come online? With this update, you can, as we’ve added an option to be notified when members of your friends list sign on the network.

Appear Offline – Sometimes you want to play a game or watch a movie without being bothered by friends. Now it’s easier to go incognito as we’ve added the option to appear offline. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile or the Quick Menu.

User Scheduled Event – Time for a play date! We’ve added the ability to schedule a future gameplay session with your friends on the system. When your event starts, users who registered for the event will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away.

Play Together – This features allows all members of a Party to see what each person is playing so that you can easily join a friend’s game, or start a new game together.

Other New System Features
Remote Play (PC/Mac) – We’re bringing PS4 Remote Play to Windows PC and Mac. This feature won’t be available to test in the beta, but you can look forward to it soon.

Dailymotion – With this update, you’ll be able to live stream directly to Dailymotion on PS4. We’ll also support archiving live broadcasts, like we do for other streaming services.



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