iPhone SE 的最大娛樂之...到底 SE 代表甚麼
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Apple 把 iPhone 6s 性能注入 iPhone 5s 之軀,推出 iPhone SE ,有人對它不以為然,有人讚嘆挑戰體積極限(?!),反正能低價買高性能是鐵一般的事實,所以的確有很多人為 iPhone SE 推出而高興。iPhone SE 另一個熱烈討論話題,是 SE 到底代表甚麼。雖然 Apple 副總裁 Phil Schiller 已經向記者 Jason Cipriani 說明是 Special Edition,但 SE 組合太 Juicy,網民當然借題發揮,諸如 Sweet Enough、Sorry Edition、Super Elegant、Same Exact 等,幾乎變成一個社交網絡小遊戲。以下所有譯法,寫出你心聲?
Phil Schiller just told me the “SE” stands for “Special Edition” @FortuneTech
— Jason Cipriani (@MrCippy) March 21, 2016
iPhone SE = iPhone Super Encrypted. Because Apple really wants to stick it to the government. #AppleEvent
— Ben (Kenobi) Parr (@benparr) March 21, 2016
The “new” Apple iPhone SE :-/
SE stands for “scam edition”.#AppleEvent— Jabulani (@papa_action) March 21, 2016
iPhone SE stands for iPhone Southeast Asia, deal with it
— A Siamese Punk (@ASiamesePunk) March 21, 2016
#AppleEvent #iPhoneSE – SE stands for Sports Edition duh.
— William Threats (@wthreatsfive) March 21, 2016
The new iPhone SE is out! (SE stands for Suckers' Edition)
— José Augusto (@josemaugusto) March 21, 2016
So iPhone SE stands for Saving Environment.
— Vishnuu Panickar (@VishnuuPanickar) March 21, 2016
I'm really really really hoping the E in iPhone SE stands for Edge
— Brendon W (@brendonWarwick) March 21, 2016
@tomwarren 'Still Expensive'
— Paul (@Burdy75) March 21, 2016
@tomwarren smaller experience
— Robson Siebel (@robsonsiebel) March 21, 2016
@tomwarren Senseless Edition?
— Henri Koivuneva (@hkoivuneva) March 21, 2016