致敬披頭士!Bamford Watch Department 打造 Datejust「Yellow Submarine」特別版腕錶

「We all live in a yellow submarine.」

Accessories 配飾

Bamford Watch Department 最近以創始人 George Bamford 最愛的搖滾傳奇 The Beatles 為主題,打造了黑色和灰色兩款 Datejust「Yellow Submarine」特別版腕錶。這兩款腕錶在設計上均是從 Fab Four 經典專輯《Yellow Submarine》汲取靈感,並將專輯封面上的「黃色潛水艇」圖案運用到秒針上,其中黑色版本搭配了金色指針和紫色刻度,而灰色版本則搭配了銀色指針和紅色刻度。對此 Bamford 表示:

The Beatles have been one of my favorite bands for literally as long as I can remember and I am thrilled to be working alongside Apple Corps Ltd on this eye popping design. The yellow submarine’s colorful presence, evolving style and sense of creativity are not only wonderful traits for us to capture in an individual timepiece, but mirror the essence of our business as a whole as we strive to break boundaries and explore new possibilities within luxury design.




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