Tom Ford 取消紐約時裝周發佈會並對當下時尚產業日程安排與系統制度強烈不滿

Tom Ford 將試圖改變時尚產業現有的「過時制度」?

Fashion 時裝

繼退出倫敦時裝周後,Tom Ford 日前又宣布取消自己在 2 月 18 日的紐約時裝周發佈會,並稱將會在今年 9 月一齊發佈 2016 秋冬系列男、女裝。更為重要的是,Mr.Ford 強調所有產品在秀場發佈會之後會馬上上架。他對時尚產業當下的系統制度與日程安排強烈不滿,甚至稱其為過時理念,矛頭指向「秀場發佈會產品需經過四個月之久才面向公眾發售」的問題。此外,Ford 還強調此問題會大大降低秀場發佈會對銷售力的推動作用(見以下原文)。Tom Ford 的觀點已經得到如 Burberry 等品牌的贊同,也許時尚產業秩序會很快迎來一場小變革?讓我們拭目以待。

In a world that has become increasingly immediate, the current way of showing a collection four months before it is available to consumers is an antiquated idea and one that no longer makes sense. We have been living with a fashion calendar and system that is from another era.

Our customers today want a collection that is immediately available. Fashion shows and the traditional fashion calendar, as we know them, no longer work in the way that they once did,” he added. “We spend an enormous amount of money and energy to stage an event that creates excitement too far in advance of when the collection is available to the consumer. Showing the collection as it arrives in stores will remedy this, and allow the excitement that is created by a show or event to drive sales and satisfy our customers’ increasing desire to have their clothes as they are ready to wear them.



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近賞 Stampd x PUMA 2016 春夏聯名 Blaze of Glory 系列


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