Nikon 為「獲獎照片」事件公開道歉

近日,新加坡 Nikon 公佈了 Chay Yu Wei 一副粗糙的合成照片得獎,在網絡上造成了軒然大波。畫面中有架飛機剛好位於爬梯的中間,網友們很快就發現這張照片經過合成;放大後可清晰看到飛機周圍不相稱區域,隨即被瘋狂轉載,許多網友還製作了大量惡搞圖諷刺。於是 Nikon 就此事件公開道歉。
We have heard your comments and feedback on this, and you are right – we should not compromise standards even for a casual photo contest. We have dialogued internally, with the community and with our loyal fans, and Yu Wei has also posted his own views on this issue. We have made an honest mistake and the rousing response from the community today is a reminder to us that the true spirit of photography is very much alive. Moving forward, we will tighten our image review process to avoid similar situations in the future. Thank you once again for all your responses today – for your humour and most of all, your candour and honesty. We hope not to disappoint you in the future and to continue to have your support.
Most sincerely, your Nikon team
同時,Nikon 刪除了作品及獲獎者信息。 Chay Yu Wei 也在 Instagram 中表示道歉作回應。