Nicki Minaj 與 Meek Mill 親身傳授「回擊」Haters 經驗
最具爭議的 Hip-Hop Couple 首次共同出鏡拍攝造型大片!

Nicki Minaj 和 Meek Mill 無疑是當下 Hip-Hop 圈最有影響力、也是最具爭議的情侶。日前,兩人共同接受了美版《GQ》的專訪,並為其拍攝了造型大片。除了談論到彼此如何開始交往到關係確認後的感情生活外,Meek Mill 與 Nicki Minaj 就各自與 Drake、Taylor Swift 的矛盾侃侃而談。感興趣的朋友可以前去 GQ 網站閱讀完整專訪內容。
GQ: You two seem to be two very strong personalities. What was it like in the beginning, figuring each other out?
MM: You know we were just figuring each other out. We liked each other. We were into each other. Once we learned how to understand each other, it was curtain closed. Everything was a go.NM: People tell me all the time, it takes a special kind of man to be with a woman who has her own, and it takes a special kind of man to not feel insecure by a woman who is doing her own thing. You know? So, one of the things that made me want to be with him is we spent so much time talking, and he always made me feel like he was ok with me being me. As an artist and just as a woman. Obviously I’m a strong woman in a lot of ways… I’m not a strong woman in every way. I don’t want to make it seem like I am some superhero because I’m not, but I do know that it takes a certain kind of guy. And time will tell if Meek is that kind of guy, because it’s definitely not easy.
GQ: Did you take her on any special dates? Any special gestures?
MM: We’d do everything like what you do with your girlfriend. We do the same thing. Just chill.NM: What was your secret, baby? Everybody wants to know that.
MM: I don’t know though! Y’all want me to make up a magazine answer? I liked her. I felt her. I guess she felt me.
NM: What’d you like about me?
MM: That you was a hustler. That you were doing your thing. A lot of people coming up. People don’t really have a girlfriend that’s doing more than them or the same thing. I like girls that hustle. She a boss. She’s pretty as fuck. Bad as shit. Ambitious. What else do you want?
GQ: So you guys just had a huge Twitter moment. Nicki, you tweeted about being snubbed by the VMAs. Meek, you claimed Drake had a ghost writer. Both moments were controversial. Any regrets?
MM: I’m separate from that. I just wild out.NM: And that’s the thing people don’t understand. Meek is a grown ass man. I may not agree with everything he says.
MM: She likes none of that shit. No matter who I’m talking to.
[To be fair and for the record: by almost every marker and standard, 'Anaconda' should have not only been nominated, but favorited to win a VMA for video of the year.]
NM: I’m very happy I tweeted about the VMAs, because ‘Anaconda’ had too much of a cultural impact to not be up. When these pop girls have a moment like that, they get nominated for every award, and they win it. And I was happy that people spoke out for me. People used their voices in the media to say this is true. Taylor Swift called and we’re good now. She didn’t see the bigger picture. We talked. We got over it. She called me and spoke about it, and I told her, I would never come at you. We’re doing so well now collectively. And I want to thank God and my fans. And his fans. We don’t have to do anything to anyone for any bogus reasons.
MM: And of course you know Meek Mill don’t regret nothing.